The Content Alchemist

9 Things I Learned from Writing 99 Posts on LinkedIn


29 July 2024

Omneya Nabil B&W photo

Written by Omneya Nabil

I’ve made it to my 100th post on LinkedIn since I decided to jump on the (almost) daily posting bandwagon. Yay!


And, yes, I’m counting.


It’s been quite a ride. There were a lot of ups. A lot of downs. A lot of discoveries. And a lot of “what was I thinking” moments.


To celebrate this milestone, here are 9 things I’ve learned from writing 99 posts on LinkedIn.

1. Consistency

Drip it like your morning coffee

Just like your morning coffee, consistency is all about that steady drip. Think of each post as a daily caffeine fix for your network. Without it, your LinkedIn presence can go flat, much like your mood without your morning brew.

A cup filled with coffee and a spoon on the saucer

2. Quality over quantity

A man wearing a bucket on his head, with a sad face drawn on it

No one likes Monday morning spam

Posting daily is great, but posting something worth reading is even better. No one wants to see another “Monday Motivation” post unless it’s actually motivating. Otherwise, it’s just Monday morning spam. Think of it as serving gourmet meals instead of reheated leftovers.

3. Engagement

Don’t be a ghost poster (or post ghoster)

You can’t just drop your wisdom and run. Stick around, reply to comments, and show some love to others’ posts. It’s called social media for a reason. Don’t be that person who ghosts after hitting “post.”

A ghost - a white sheet with a pair of black eyes

4. Authenticity

a cat wearing a hat and looking like a unicorn

Be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn

Forget the corporate jargon and polished narratives. People love real stories, complete with the occasional typo and awkward selfie. Be you. Unless you’re a unicorn. And we both know you’re not.

5. Experimentation

Channel your inner mad scientist

Not every post will be a home run. Some will barely make it past first base. And that’s okay! Mix things up and see what sticks. Trying new things is essential. And sometimes, a little madness is the secret ingredient.

A man’s face peeking through a torn cardboard

6. Value first

a photo of puppies and kittens lined up

Furry friends get attention

If your post doesn’t offer something valuable—advice, humour, a photo of a puppy or kitten—why should anyone care? Always aim to give more than you take. And remember, laughter is valuable, too. Unless it’s at your expense.

7. Storytelling

Share your epic wins and epic fails

Think of your LinkedIn posts as episodes of your own personal sitcom. Share your epic wins, hilarious fails, and everything in between. Just be prepared for your mum—or (un)favourite aunt—to comment on every single one.

a dog wearing a robe and sunglasses, sitting on a pink couch, with a pan of popcorn on their lap

8. Patience

Ryan Reynolds, the actor, is lying down and leaning on one arm.

Waiting for a slow internet connection

Building a following takes time, much like waiting for that buffering wheel to finally disappear. Don’t worry if things move at a snail’s pace. Keep at it. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a LinkedIn following. Unless you’re Ryan Reynolds. Then it’s instant.

9. Analytics

Don’t dream about your stats

Check your stats, but don’t become obsessed to the point that they haunt your dreams. Use them to understand what works and what flops. But remember, even Einstein probably had off days.

Over to you. What have you learned from your LinkedIn journey? Join the conversation by visiting the original post on LinkedIn.