The Content Alchemist


A man in a suit holding a paper with a sad face to that is covering his face.

5 Reasons Why Your Marketing (And Content) Efforts Can Fail

Marketing fails are far too common. And the greatest content can’t save a sub-standard product. That’s because neither marketing nor content can compensate for a product that fails to meet basic standards of quality, relevance, and customer satisfaction. No matter how brilliant your marketing campaigns are or how captivating your content is, your efforts will ultimately fall flat if your product doesn’t meet the mark.
Let’s dive deep into why your marketing and content efforts can fail (and how to fix them).

5 Reasons Why Your Marketing (And Content) Efforts Can Fail Read More »

A woman sitting in front of a laptop, with a paper coffee cup in her hand

8 Red Flags to Watch Out for When Hiring a Copywriter

The other day, I posted about wanting to hire a copywriter. And I ended up receiving numerous responses (most of which fell short of my expectations). Many applicants did not provide portfolios. Others had poor communication skills. And, to top it off, some submissions contained grammatical errors. So I put together these 8 red flags to watch out for before hiring a copywriter.

8 Red Flags to Watch Out for When Hiring a Copywriter Read More »

A businesswoman with her hand on her chin

3 Strategies to Create Thought Leadership Content

It’s easy to get caught up in creating content only to promote your product or service. If you’re doing that, it’s time to reconsider your purpose. Because content has the power to achieve so much more for your business. But becoming a thought leader isn’t an overnight process. It requires dedication, consistency, and a genuine commitment to providing value.

3 Strategies to Create Thought Leadership Content Read More »