The Content Alchemist


A man in a suit holding a paper with a sad face to that is covering his face.

5 Reasons Why Your Marketing (And Content) Efforts Can Fail

Marketing fails are far too common. And the greatest content can’t save a sub-standard product. That’s because neither marketing nor content can compensate for a product that fails to meet basic standards of quality, relevance, and customer satisfaction. No matter how brilliant your marketing campaigns are or how captivating your content is, your efforts will ultimately fall flat if your product doesn’t meet the mark.
Let’s dive deep into why your marketing and content efforts can fail (and how to fix them).

5 Reasons Why Your Marketing (And Content) Efforts Can Fail Read More »

A woman speaking into a megaphone

5 Reasons Why Marketing a Product-Customer Fit Can Be Challenging

So, you build an MVP, land your first customer, and then continue to build your product based on that one client and their specific needs—disregarding the needs and pains of your broader prospects. Yes, it might seem like a good idea to cater to your first customer. It can also be valuable in the early stages or for niche markets. However, this approach can lead to a narrow focus that doesn’t address the broader market’s needs.

5 Reasons Why Marketing a Product-Customer Fit Can Be Challenging Read More »

woman looking sceptical as she sits on a couch with her hands crossed, looking into her laptop

7 Strategies to Turn Audience Scepticism into Trust

People have come to hate marketing messages, and that’s not good news for us marketers. Audiences hate the endless useless ads and sponsored content that offer little to no value to them. When they feel like they’re constantly being sold to, they automatically start to question a brand’s authenticity and credibility. So, here are seven strategies for turning audience scepticism into trust.

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A woman holding glasses and looking upwards

5 Things That Are Holding You Back from Growing

I recently signed up for an email-based course (EBC) by the lovely Yemi Pelumi. Her EBC tackled how to become a lead magnet by offering EBCs. And it got me thinking about my own lead magnet strategy. I was only doing cold outreach, and because it was working for me, I hadn’t considered anything else. Her course made me assess what was holding me back from doing something else. Here are five things that could be limiting your growth (and how to grow out of them).

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